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How do Solar panel works, Solar energy explained:

by | Jun 4, 2022

In the past, solar energy was considered to be a luxury for the rich. However, with the recent rise in the cost of fossil fuels, solar energy has become a viable option for many people who wish to save money on their power bills. If you’re interested in learning more about solar energy, then this post is for you.

So, What is solar energy? The Simple answer is that Solar energy is the energy of the sun. It is an abundant source of energy that can be used to produce electricity. In fact, This energy is the most common and renewable source of energy available today.

In this blog post, we will learn how solar panels work and some other things you should know before you decide to buy one. So, let’s get started.


How do solar panels actually work?


Formerly known as photovoltaic (PV) cells, they are now commonly referred to as solar panels.

They convert sunlight into electricity using a process called the photovoltaic effect. The sun’s energy is converted into electrical energy and then stored in batteries or used directly.

Solar panels can be made from silicon, glass, plastic, metal, or other materials. They can also be made from several different types of cells, which is why you may hear people refer to them as “solar cells”.

The most common type of solar cell is the crystalline silicon cell. This is the type that is used in the majority of solar panels on the market today.


The photovoltaic effect:


the photoelectric effect occurs when light interacts with a semiconductor material, such as silicon.

When light shines on a silicon cell, some of the photons (particles of light) pass through the silicon and continue on their way.

However, some of the photons interact with the electrons in the silicon and cause them to move. This is how the energy of the photon is transferred to the electrons. This process is called photoelectricity. Photoelectricity is a form of electromagnetism. It is a DC electric current that is produced by the photoelectric effect. 


How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?



Solar Installation



A solar panel is a device that converts sunlight into electricity. They have been around for a long time, but they have only recently become affordable for most people. Solar panels are usually mounted on a roof or a building and are connected to a central inverter. The inverter changes the DC electricity from these panels into AC electricity that is usable by the electrical grid.


What Does a Solar Inverter Do?

An inverter is also known as a power conditioner, and it changes the voltage, frequency, and polarity of the electricity. The inverter converts the DC electricity from the solar panel into AC electricity that your home can use. This is the component that converts solar energy into usable electricity.


How Does a Solar Panel System Work for home?

Solar energy is among the most popular and effective renewable energy sources that have been used in many homes. It is not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective and efficient. It can be used to power various appliances and devices at your home. It is also known as a clean energy source that has no adverse effects on the environment.

However, you need to know that solar energy is not as easy as it sounds. There are several things that you need to consider when buying a solar panel system. You can get detailed information about buying solar guides in this Blog “How to select the best solar system for your home.”


What are the advantages of solar energy?


The Australian government has increased subsidies on getting solar systems for homeowners and business owners to make it more affordable. So, If you want to save money on your energy bills, then you should invest in solar panels.

Solar energy is free from carbon emissions. It does not cause any air pollution and its byproducts are also harmless. It is the most eco-friendly and sustainable energy source. It is also cost-effective.

It is a reliable source of energy. It will provide electricity even on cloudy days. You will not have to worry about power cuts or blackouts as it will give you an uninterrupted power supply.

In Australia, it is usually calculated that 6.6KW of the system will help save 350-600$ on your energy bills quarterly. which makes it a must-have tool for your energy usage in 2022.


Thinking about going solar?


There are a number of reasons why you might want to go solar.

  • One of the most obvious is that you can save a lot of money on your electricity bill. Moreover, recently solar panels are not very expensive, they can pay for themselves in as little as 4 years.
  • If you live in Australia, then you could also be entitled to a feed-in tariff, which means that your electricity provider has to buy any excess power that you generate. ($0.08 to $0.18 per KW)
  • And if you have large roof space, you may be able to get a tax deduction for having solar installed.
  • You may also be interested in saving the environment.
  • Solar power uses a renewable energy source, and so contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • And solar power systems have a far better reputation than traditional power stations when it comes to health and safety.

But you will need to do your homework before buying a solar panel system.




In conclusion, a solar energy system is a great way to help you and your family reduce your carbon footprint. It’s a green technology that produces clean, renewable energy from the sun. There are many advantages to going solar, including a decrease in your monthly power bill and an increase in your home value.








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Reliance solar is one of the most advanced solar companies in Australia accredited by the clean energy council. The company is strongly built around modern solutions using AI softwares and giving the best customer and technical support for our clients. Our experienced and tech-savvy team has created perfect solutions for all the homeowners and business owners in NSW.

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